Science Communication

The Smart Fish Series

The Smart Fish Series is a biweekly YouTube show where my assistant Birgitta the IKEA shark and I discover cool, strange, and incredible adaptations and fish behaviours.

Science & Sorcery is a show where science communicators play Dungeons & Dragons for charity. The show airs live on Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube, and episodes are uploaded to YouTube after airing.

Podcast Appearances

FameLab 2021

I was voted Audience Winner and Judge's Runner-Up in the UK final of FameLab 2021. I spoke about archerfish vision, decision making, and their ability to recognize human faces. The presentations can be viewed on YouTube.

Want to support my work?

You can support me on Patreon if you want to contribute to the running costs for Science & Sorcery and to facilitate me making more SciComm content!